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Energy Performance Certificates

As part of the UK's response to the Energy Performance in Buildings Directive (EPBD), the requirements for EPC’s are set out in the Energy Performance of Buildings Regulations 2007.  Energy Performance Certificates (EPC’s) are required for every commercial building when it is constructed, sold or rented.EPC

Commercial EPCs have become a requirement for commercial premises because potential buyers and tenants are entitled to an impartial overview of energy use and energy costs of the building and because the EPCs inform sellers and landlords where there's room for improving energy usage as far as their properties are concerned.

THE EPC will show the Asset Rating of the building. This is a measure of the potential efficiency of the building fabric, heating, ventilation, cooling and lighting systems, based upon the intrinsic design and installation of building equipment. It is not a measure of the actual efficiency of the building. The Asset rating is a numerical value and will come within a band A to G. This rating is also benchmarked against equivalent new buildings and other typical existing buildings.

The certificates are valid for 10 years and need to be produced by accredited software and lodged on a central database by a suitably accredited Energy Assessor, who is registered with an accreditation scheme, such as CIBSE Certification Limited. A Recommendations Report, identifying possible energy saving recommendations, will accompany the Certificate. There is no obligation to implement the recommendations made, but it is hoped that a good or improved energy rating will increase asset values.

Relevant information required to input data into energy modelling software and produce a certificate will be taken from drawings, O&M manuals, building energy log books, schedules of plant and equipment, and a physical site survey.

Energen personnel are CIBSE qualified to undertake to produce EPC’s and Recommendations Reports. We can also help with the implementation of the Recommendations Report, if required.

Contact Us

Energen Limited, Brunel Science Park, Uxbridge, Middlesex, UB8 3PQ

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